Monday, December 21 - 6:30 p.m.
Solstice Celebration. Children are welcome!

Thursday, December 31 - 8:00 p.m. - Midnight
Informal New Year's Eve Sitting. There will be refreshments half-way. Come to help strike the bell 108 times for peace in the New Year!


There will be a Bodhisattva Ceremony every month on the full moon.

Yearly ceremonies, commemorating the birthday, enlightenment and death of Shakyamuni Buddha, and other events are mentioned on the calendar and in the newsletters.




Introduction to Zazen
Sundays at 8:20 am (except during two-day sittings)

Learn the basics of sitting and walking meditation as they are done in the Sôtô Zen tradition. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions about practice and MZC.

Dharma Discussion
Saturdays, 10:00-11:00 am

As we make our way through the book of the moment, participants take turns reading aloud and the group engages in discussion of the ideas and issues that arise. Attendees need not own or have read the book beforehand, and participate as their schedules permit.